Start LeechGet minimized
After startup, LeechGet will only appear as tray icon next to the
system clock.
Add .LeechGet to unfinished download files
Select this option to add the file-extension ".LeechGet" to
unfinished downloads. When a download is finished, LeechGet removes the ".LeechGet".
This allows you to differ between finished and unfinished download in the Windows Explorer.
Check for Updates when LeechGet starts
If this option is activated, LeechGet will automatically connect
to and check for updates. Please note that
no data except your current LeechGet version is transmitted
to the server. By default, this option is activated. This
option is only available for LeechGet Premium users!
Use Hotkey for the New Download Wizard
Assigns a Hotkey to the LeechGet New Download Wizard.
Once this option is activated, you can easily access LeechGet via
this system-wide Hotkey and add new downloads to the queue. The
default Hotkey is CTRL+Q, but you can change it to whatever you
Auto save download queue
To minimize the loss of data due to any unexpected crashes,
LeechGet saves the download queue in periodic intervals. If
crashes occur, you'll only lose the unsaved data. Select the
option "Auto save download queue" to enable this
Ask before overwriting already downloaded files
Select this option and LeechGet checks before downloading
a file if it has already been downloaded before and
still exists on your local harddrive. If so, LeechGet will
pop up a dialog and ask you whether to re-download the file
again and overwrite the local copy or to cancel the download.
This prevents that you accidentally download files twice or
overwrite already transferred files.
Entries to keep in History List
Here you can adjust how many files are kept in the downloaded
files history list. Default is 40.
Default number of Tasks
As you already know, LeechGet splits downloads into smaller
parts (called Tasks) to speed up the transfer. You can normally
select how many Tasks to use for each download with the New
Download Wizard.
However, if you add a download in Silent Mode (also have a
look at Additional
to find out what "Silent Mode" means), you cannot
choose in how many Tasks the download shall be partitioned
since no dialog will show up. So here you can set a default
number of Tasks that will be applied in case that LeechGet
is in Silent Mode when a new downloads is being added.